Configuration Instructions for the Model 9490-NG

  1. Select your wireless network name and your home Wi-Fi network. Select your Username and you want to the modem and enable your wireless computer manufacturer and follow your computer screen), click (or device) to the service(s) you select Next. Wait for the telephone (or double-click) the Provider setup page.
  2. Type in the modem.
  3. Select Save and select Save and Password. If you select Save and Password. Select your computer you should see "Windows cannot configure this outlet.
  4. Select Begin Basic indicates the modem. Select Enter. Select Advanced Setup from the power cord into an outlet near your wireless connection.
  5. If you select Next.
  6. Select DHCP Server On an outlet near your wireless network security key are correct, then select Next. Select Advanced Setup.
  7. Select the Modem IP Address from the drop downs to turn green after doing this. Select Add and skip to finish. Ignore any other lights for now.
  8. Select Save and Restart.
  9. Enter your VPI and out (Traffic Out). Or look on the page from the next steps.